Ma*, S., Burgers*, A. P.,Liu, G., Wilson, J., Zhang, B., Thompson, J. D., Universal gate operations on nuclear spin qubits in an optical tweezer array of 171Yb atoms. Phys Rev X 12, 021028 (2022) Featured in Physics. arXiv:2112.06799 *Equal contribution
Wilson, J., Saskin, S., Meng, Y., Ma, S., Burgers, A. P. Thompson, J. D., Trapping Alkaline Earth Rydberg Atoms in Optical Tweezer Arrays Phys Rev Lett 128 033201 (2022). arXiv:1912.08754
Beguin*, J., Burgers*, A. P., Luan, X. Qin, Z., & Kimble, H. J. An advanced apparatus for the integration of nanophotonics and cold atoms. Optica, 7, 1 (2020). arXiv:1912.02198 *Equal contribution
Burgers, A. P., Peng, L. S., Muniz, J. A., McClung, A. C., M. J. Martin & Kimble, H. J. Clocked delivery of cold atoms to a photonic crystal waveguide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 456-465 (2019). arXiv:1810.07757
Paudel, U., Burgers, A. P., Yakes, M. K., Bracker, A. S., Gammon, D., & Steel, D. G. Generation of frequency sidebands on single photons with indistinguishability from quantum dots. Phys. Rev. A 98, 011802(R) (2018).
Hill, A. D., Hervas, D., Nash, J., Graham, M., Burgers, A. P., Paudel, U., … & Wang, J. Optimizing single-mode collection from pointlike sources of single photons with adaptive optics. Optics Express, 25(16), 18629-18642 (2017).
Schaibley*, J. S., Burgers*, A. P., McCracken, G. A., Duan, L-M, Berman, P. R., Bracker, A. S., Gammon, D., Sham, L. J., Steel, D. G., Demonstration of Quantum Entanglement Between a single Quantum Dot Electron Spin and a Photon. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 167401 (2013). Editor’s Choice in Science. *Equal contribution
Schaibley, J.S., Burgers, A.P., McCracken, G.A., Bracker, A.S., Gammon, D., Sham, L.J., Steel, D.G., Direct Detection of Time Resolved Rabi Oscillations in a Single Quantum Dot via Resonance Fluorescence. Phys. Rev. B 87, 115311 (2013)